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Vivian Lee Samano Dozentinnenprofil

A long way from her native California, Vivian Samano comes from a small town near the bustling (and far more interesting) multicultural mecca of San Francisco. She received her B.A. in Anthropology and her MA in Education with an emphasis on Applied Linguistics. Before moving in Germany, she lived in Spain, Mexico, England, South Korea, and Abu Dhabi. Other than missing the sunshine, Vivian’s hobbies include reading, trying (with various levels of success) to finish the novel she is writing, and spending time with family and friends.

Kurse der Dozentin

Was? Wann?
English Book Club B2/C1 (Every Second Saturday of the Month) - Onlinekurs Sa., 14.09.2024
Vocabulary and Idioms Training C1 - Online Weekend Course Sa., 05.10.2024
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