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Mission Statement

The Volkshochschule Bonn is a municipal centre for further education and provides comprehensive measures of general, political, career-related, health-related, cultural and language-related further education on the basis of its statutes (as decided by the Council of the City of Bonn) and the „Weiterbildungsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen“ (Further Education Act of North-Rhine Westphalia). With the help of our offers, participants of VHS courses should gain personal and career-related orientation, social skills and specialist knowledge. 

We are bound to the common welfare, neutral in terms of ideology and party politics and advocate / plead for tolercance, plurality and social justice. We also encourage / promote the mutual understnding of different social groups and cultures. Our objective is to enable our course participants to critically reflect and evaluate and to improve their chances to self-determined professional, societal, political and cultural participation.

The Volkshochschule is open to everyone, both for individuals and instutitions, organisations as well as companies. We bring together the young and the elderly, people with different cltural, social and family backgrounds and different personal circumstances irrespective of their social status and education. The courses take place in all city districts. By means of socially compatible course fees we make it easier for low-income groups to particpiate in our courses. 

As a modern service provider we work according to the principles of quality assurance. Our system of quality management covers the areas of service, consulting, planning the programme, developing offers, further education and regular evaluation. 

We react to political, social and cultural developments as well as changes in educational and labour market policy and continually develop our programme. Apart from carrying out a regular needs assessment, we take up ideas arising from cooperation with local, regional, national and international partners when planning our programme. We are especially focusing on themes concerning the SDGs and global sustainability. 

Our work contributes to the dynamic development of the City of Bonn with regard to culture, education, science and research and as a platform for international dialogue.

© 2025 Konzept, Gestaltung & Umsetzung: ITEM KG